How Does Geothermal Energy Produce Hydrogen?

photo by Borna Bevanda, Unsplash

How Geothermal Energy Works to Produce Hydrogen

Hydrogen is a versatile chemical element that can be used to produce, store, move, and use energy. It is abundant but only in compound form and must typically be separated from water or hydrocarbons using a variety of energy-intensive processes. Hydrogen produced from hydrocarbons such as natural gas and coal, creates carbon emissions. Green hydrogen, which is produced using a renewable energy source, has no carbon or carbon monoxide emissions.

Since various electrolysis methods exist for hydrogen production and geothermal energy is typically used to make electricity, it is obvious that geothermal energy production can be used in a two-stage process by coupling with electrolysis methods to make hydrogen. Indeed, some companies are pursuing this approach.

However, green hydrogen production is limited by high costs, complicated processes, and safety considerations so a more efficient technology is needed. Most hydrogen production technologies require large amounts of expensive electric power and high heat.

Additional power is needed to compress pure hydrogen for storage and transportation. Further, existing methods of producing hydrogen raise safety concerns that further increase the cost of hydrogen production.