GreenFire Energy Inc. Completes the World’s First Field-Scale Demonstration of Closed-Loop Geothermal Energy and the Final Report to the California Energy Commission


GreenFire Energy Inc. today announced the completion of the world’s first field-scale demonstration of closed-loop geothermal energy production. The demonstration was performed using an inactive well at the Coso geothermal field in Coso, California, USA. A $1.48 million grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) and cash contributions from other funders financed the demonstration. GreenFire Energy’s comprehensive final report to the CEC, Closed-Loop Geothermal Demonstration Project, is now available to the public.

The project demonstrated that GreenFire Energy’s closed-loop technology can run successfully at field-scale and also generated data to verify the company’s modeling of technical performance in a variety of real-world applications. The project extracted heat, using both water and supercritical CO2 (sCO2) as alternative working fluids, either of which can be optimized for performance depending on site-specific conditions. The project also showed the ability of closed-loop geothermal technology to retrofit idle geothermal wells to become productive and validated the further development of GreenLoop™ technology for use in hot, dry rock geothermal resources where conventional geothermal systems cannot be employed.

The report concludes that GreenFire Energy’s closed-loop technology could significantly assist the state in meeting its goals for renewable energy production in general and for geothermal power specifically. Equally important, California’s geothermal resources may provide enough stable power to offset the intermittency of wind and solar power as they become a larger portion of California’s energy portfolio.

Key conclusions from the project as detailed in the Final Report to the CEC include:

  • Closed-loop technology shows promise for large-scale geothermal projects in hot, deep geothermal resources,
  • Closed-loop technology can be used to make some unproductive hydrothermal wells productive,
  • Both water and sCO2 can be effectively used in closed-loop systems as the working fluid, and
  • Various techno-economic full commercial-scale systems have been modeled using valid technical assumptions and modeling.

“The California Energy Commission is pleased to have funded GreenFire Energy’s closed-loop pilot project and to learn that this innovative new technology can enhance existing geothermal projects in California as well as create opportunities where conventional geothermal does not exist,” said Commissioner Karen Douglas, California Energy Commission. “Achieving 100 percent clean energy in our state requires the type of new ideas and approaches this effort represents.” 

“This field-scale demonstration validates GreenFire Energy’s research leading to the creation of our ‘GreenLoop’ geothermal heat transport technology. Closed-loop geothermal  has tremendous potential for electric power generation from vast, and otherwise unproductive, hot, dry rock resources as well as for a variety of other high-value special applications. The field-scale technical data obtained from this demonstration project validates our plans to turn this potential into reality,” said Joseph Scherer, chief executive officer, GreenFire Energy Inc.

The Closed-Loop Geothermal Demonstration Project is available at:

About GreenFire Energy®

GreenFire Energy Inc. develops and deploys innovative, closed-loop technology to unlock the world’s largest source of continuous renewable energy. GreenLoop™ technology exploits vast, typically inaccessible geothermal resources, and enables cost competitive, continuous, and flexible power generation with unrivaled environmental advantages. GreenLoop technology, demonstrated at the Coso geothermal field in Coso, California, is versatile and has a number of additional high-value applications, including use for mineral extraction, hydrogen production, and energy storage. GreenFire Energy offers Field Scale and Well Retrofit Solutions for a wide spectrum of energy providers including those in the diversified renewable energy, geothermal, and oil and gas industries.

GreenLoop technology has been developed with grants from the U.S. Department of Energy and the California Energy Commission. The technology is the result of years of research conducted in concert with U.S. National Laboratories, major universities, and eminent experts in multiple scientific disciplines. GreenFire Energy is headquartered in Emeryville, California, USA. For more information visit

Media Contact:

Hollis Chin
VP Marketing
GreenFire Energy